Wellness Status of Reservists: An Interactional Approach


Name: Joanette McGadney


Organization: Texas Woman's University

Performance Site: FH 500 CBTZ Detachment Echo, Naval Reserve Readiness Center, NAS Dallas, TX Texas Women's University, College of Nursing

Year Published: 1996

Abstract Status: Final


The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive personal wellness assessment (PWA) to determine the risk factors that were likely to be influenced by reservists' lifestyles. Objectives were: 1) determine the overall wellness appraisal (cancer, coronary artery disease, fitness/lifestyle, nutrition, safety, and stress); 2) provide participants with their perspective wellness profile, including recommendations for reducing existing major risk factors; 3) examine similarities and differences in the participants' wellness profiles based on selected demographic characteristics; 4) conduct a 6-month follow-up assessment of lifestyle changes; and 5) determine the cost-savings if reservists were to change their behavior. During Phase I of the study, 366 reservists participated. Their overall Wellness rating was "Good." However, 208 (57%) had a "Poor" or "Fair" in two or more risk areas. Of the 208 reservists who had two or more "Poor" or "Fair" ratings, 52 participated in 6-month follow-up. While some of these individuals made improvements in risk factors, as an overall group the findings were not statistically significant. The findings have significant implications for establishing health promotion and disease prevention programs for military personnel who are reservists.


Final report is available on NTRL: https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults/titleDetail/PB2003102...