Effectiveness & Benefit of Two STI Prevention Delivery Methods for Military Women


Name: Nancy Ryan-Wenger

Rank: LTC(ret)

Organization: The Ohio State University Research Foundation

Performance Site: The Ohio State University College of Nursing, Columbus, OH

Year Published: 2011

Abstract Status: Project Completed


Purpose: Military women are at higher risk for sexually transmitted infections (STI) than civilian women. This multidisciplinary, tri-service study is designed to promote safer sexual behaviors and decrease exposure to STIs among military women with the Sexual Awareness Kit (SAK), a theory- and evidence-based self-administered intervention, consisting of the Sexual Health Information Guide©, Sexual Health Calculator©, and an electronic Virtual Date© game. Specific Aims. 1) Using a mixed-methods explanatory approach, evaluate and compare the effectiveness and benefit of the SAK-P (paper version) and the SAK-E (electronic version). 2) Validate the theoretical consistency of the SAK-E from metadata that reveal the sequence of access to SAK components.

Design: Fine Arts and Computer Science experts will design, test, and launch the SAK-E in an interactive, secure, website format. An integrated mixed-method explanatory methodology and a non-equivalent two-group repeated measures design will be used to evaluate the effectiveness and benefit of the SAK-P and SAK-E.

Sample: To recruit a sample size of 267 women, a DOD Survey Control Number will generate e-mails linked to the SAK Study Website to all military women. Procedure. Participants will complete safer sexual behavior questionnaires at baseline and at 3 and 6 months, with a final evaluation at 8 months. 

Analysis. A generalized linear mixed effects model will be used to measure change over time and between groups effects of the quantitative data. These data will be analyzed for patterns and inconsistencies, which will inform the questions to be asked in the explanatory and evaluation phase of the study. A systematic content analysis method and QDA Miner® software will be used to analyze qualitative data, which will be electronically integrated and analyzed for further insights into the value of the SAK. To validate the SAK-E, electronic metadata will be mapped to the theory-based workflow structure of the SAK.

Relevance: This proposed study is relevant to military nursing clinical practice, and will meet two TSNRP priorities: 
1) Force Health Protection by ensuring a fit and ready force in garrison and during deployment; and, 
2) Military Nursing Competencies and Practice, by focusing on education, training, and patient outcomes.


Final Report is available on NTRL: https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults/titleDetail/PB2016104...